World View and Current Events
When Tragedy Strikes, Pray
Jun 29, 2016
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It seems that we hear of a new terrorist attack every week now and the endless onslaught of bombings, shootings, and beheadings can leave us feeling numb to the tragic nature of it all. But God's Word tells us to not lose heart or become apathetic. The only answer to the brokenness of our fallen world is the hope of Christ and His Gospel. So let's call upon God in prayer today.

Following the recent devastating attacks in Orlando, Fla., and Istanbul, Turkey, let's pray for:

  • The church to stand together in mourning with those who mourn and praying for the hurting.
  • God to reveal Himself to those who have lost loved ones and draw the lost to salvation in Christ.
  • God to expose the reality of radical Islam to national leaders, giving them wisdom and discernment in responding to its threats.
  • Muslims, including those at risk of radicalization, to come across Leading The Way's Arabic broadcasts and know the Truth of Jesus Christ.
  • God to bring revival to broken people, cities, and nations as the church unifies in global prayer and evangelism efforts.

"The only answer to the brokenness of our fallen world is the hope of Christ and His Gospel. So let's call upon God in prayer today."

You may hear others say that in the face of tragedy, prayer is pointless and accomplishes nothing and it's true that too often we pray without stepping out in obedience when God calls us to do something. However, we must never forget that "we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds" (2 Corinthians 10:3-4).

Prayer: Lord, my heart is troubled by the ongoing tragedies happening in the world today. I know that You are the only one who can bring true hope and healing in the midst of brokenness. I know that You are the only one who can expose the lies of radical Islam. I pray for Orlando and Istanbul today as friends and family are faced with the loss of loved ones. Comfort them, Lord. Reveal to them the hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father, reveal Your Truth to Muslims as they reflect on these events. Unify Your church for Your work, Lord, and use me to proclaim Your Gospel to those around me. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.