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Order Policy

Leading The Way is committed to passionately proclaiming the Truth of Christ through Biblical programs and resources. Below you will find helpful information regarding your purchases and donations. If you have additional questions or customer service inquiries, or if you need help with your order, please contact us.


Product inventory is subject to change. In the event that you’ve requested a product that is not in stock, Leading The Way will send an email advising you. A substitute product can be ordered or a refund will be issued if an order was erroneously processed.


We offer free standard shipping on all items shipped to the Continental United States and Canada. For items shipped to Australia and New Zealand, a $5 shipping charge is applied. For items shipped to the United Kingdom, a standard £3.95 is applied for 1-4 items; £4.95 for 5-9 items; and £8.95 for 10 items or more. Standard delivery times may take up to two (2) to four (4) weeks.

If the order is not fulfilled within 30 days, then a full refund will be issued. If any items are missing from your order as detailed in your order confirmation email, please contact customer service within 24 hours at (800) 538-7677, 8am-5pm EST, Monday through Friday, so that an adjustment or refund can be made.

Returns and Refunds

Our ministry materials are backed by a guarantee of 100% satisfaction. We will gladly refund the purchase price of the product in question according to the following paragraphs.

If our books, CDs or DVDs, including cases, are damaged, defective or shipped in error, then package the item carefully (without marking on, clipping, taping, or stapling anything to it) and send it back to Leading The Way. Please include the packing slip for correct return processing and the reason for your return. All return requests need to be made within 15 business days from the date the order was received. A full refund will be issued upon receipt of the product returned. However, if you want a replacement of the same product, include that information with your return and it will be shipped to you within three (3) business days of return product received by Leading The Way.

Digital Downloads are not eligible for refund.


 If you have placed an Internet order or donation that you wish to change or cancel, please contact customer service within 24 hours at 800.538.7677, 8 am-5 pm EST, Monday through Friday so that an adjustment or refund can be made.

Problems with your order or donation?

In order to ensure the security of donations processed by Leading The Way, we have stringent requirements in place to guard against fraudulent transactions. Here are some things that may prevent your donation from being processed:

  • You added spaces when inputting your credit card number.
  • The zip code you entered for your donation does not match the zip code on record with the credit card company.
  • The security code you entered for your donation is incorrect.
  • The expiration date you entered has passed or does not match what is on record with the credit card company.
  • Your credit card company has declined the charge.
  • The location of the computer you’re using to attempt the donation is in a different country than the address on your credit card.
  • During busy holiday seasons, credit card companies will likely decline a transaction that they determine is “out of character” for you as a fraud prevention device. If you are attempting to donate a large gift and your card was declined, please contact your card issuer’s fraud prevention department.

We recommend that you try to complete your donation again, ensuring that your zip code, address and security information match the information exactly on file with your card issuing bank. If you continue to experience difficulty with your donation, please contact us