Global Work
Reaching Muslims on an Unexpected Mission Field
Feb 28, 2019
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It's a diverse country with up to 7 million* Muslims. The fastest growing language is Arabic. There are more than 3,000 mosques. And one in five unsaved people in this particular country do not personally know any Christians—not even one.

This is America in 2019. For decades, we've long labored over how to reach the nations over there. Now, many churches and ministries are shifting their gaze back home as the international mission field in America grows in unexpected ways.

Many churches and ministries are shifting their gaze back home as the international mission field in America grows in unexpected ways.


As America's cultural landscape evolves, how do we reach the growing population of Muslims in our midst? The answer is threefold.

1) We must first call the church back to God's Word.

We live in a time when more than half of professing Christians believe the lie that there are many paths to God, and 40 percent of Christians do not even know what the Great Commission is. If the church is to share the Gospel with the world, we must first equip the church to know the basic Truths of the Bible.

2) We must go where they are.

This doesn't necessarily mean we walk into the nearest mosque—but perhaps we should consider the open doors to ministry that God has already placed before us.

3) We must reach out with grace and Truth to a people who desperately need Christ's love.

Muslims are enslaved to a works-based religion that offers no hope of eternal life. Hearts are ready for the Gospel—perhaps more than we think. Through your partnership, Leading The Way is actively carrying out this threefold plan. Since 1996, our ministry to Muslims has grown to include dual-language broadcasts, social media outreach, committed field teams, solar-powered Navigators, and THE KINGDOM SAT. Now, Leading The Way is working to multiply this vital ministry.

Please join us in prayer and giving as we expand our outreach to Muslims in the U.S.:

  • Equipping churches to reach their Muslim neighbors
  • Expanding Arabic broadcasts in key U.S. cities like Chicago; Dearborn, MI; and more
  • Translating more of Dr. Michael Youssef's teachings into Arabic
  • Partnering with local churches to disciple new believers

Thank you for partnering with us
so that many more can “know that this One is indeed the savior of the world” (John 4:42, NASB).

Become a Leading The Way partner today, and join us as we continue reaching Muslims here at home and around the world.
*Clayman, Chris. (2016, February 22). Muslims in Metro New York (Part 1) – One Million Muslims.