2024 Annual Report



In challenging times, your partnership is making a tremendous impact for the Kingdom. This past fiscal year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024), God opened many doors for Leading The Way to advance His Kingdom—including the opportunity to proclaim Christ before 18,000 people in Dr. Youssef’s home country, evangelize thousands of people previously unreached by the Gospel, reach an exciting milestone on the digital mission field, release two very important books, and so much more.

This is your impact: Unreached people groups transformed by the Gospel. Lives delivered from Satan’s grip. Churches revitalized by spiritual revival in their communities. Your partnership is enabling Leading The Way to reach more people than ever before—even in some of the most challenging places on earth.

Read stories of God’s incredible work in this year’s ministry report..

Download the Summary Report | Download the Full Report

Through Your Partnership This Past Fiscal Year:

annual report 24 my devo

5.1M daily e-devotionals went out to spiritually hungry readers online

Leading The Way LIVE

Dr. Youssef’s evangelistic Finding True Peace commercials were viewed 112 million times

annual report 24 resources

641,567 Biblically-based resources were distributed to readers worldwide


Navigators potentially reached an estimated 464,200 people in remote areas


43,553 individuals received personal ministry from trained teams

annual report 24 celebrations

39,718 people heard the Gospel at Evangelistic Celebrations

No matter what is going on in the world, God is always faithful to His Word. He is always at work. And He always wins.
Dr. Michael Youssef