World View and Current Events
Responding to Radical Islam
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Jan 10, 2015
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From the desk of Dr. Michael Youssef

When I place the headlines of global news alongside of God's Word, I see startling parallels. Within the last 50 years, many have begun to ask, "What is the Biblical significance of today's turbulent events in the Middle East? Is radical Islam a true threat to the Western world?" This week's attacks on a French satirical newspaper office at the hands of three men all in the name of Allah have only served to reinforce these questions.

Many leaders in the West display a frightening ignorance about Islam, falling for the propaganda that Islam is a "religion of peace" or that Allah and Yahweh are one and the same. As a ministry, I believe God has called Leading The Way to unmask these myths, to preach Christ and Christ alone, and to shed light on today's events with clear, concise, Biblical answers.

I was raised as an Egyptian Christian in a Muslim culture. I have seen firsthand how Muslims struggle to earn Allah's mercy, yet they have no promise of salvation, no peace, no assurance that they have done enough. My heart breaks for Muslims living under the curse of spiritual uncertainty and fear.

Dr. Michael Youssef

"Now is the time for all believers to declare to a warring world that Jesus is the only way to peace."

Yet today, many Muslim hearts are open to the Gospel as never before. We recently heard from a young former Muslim named Abd, who was raised to fear Allah as a harsh judge. One day, Abd found our Christian programs on THE KINGDOM SAT, our 24/7 satellite TV channel. He was amazed that all of his spiritual questions were answered on these programs. Every show had a common theme: the forgiving love of Jesus. Abd prayed and received Jesus as Lord and Savior, and he now prays daily for this ministry.

Abd's testimony is one of the many stories we hear of Muslims coming to Christ through the ministry of Leading The Way. We are uniquely positioned to reach the Muslim world around the clock, both over the airwaves and on the ground. In addition to broadcasting the Gospel there, our follow-up teams are staffed by committed believers with Muslim backgrounds who know how to relate to Muslim people.

I believe the spreading wildfire of Islamic ideology is one of the greatest challenges of our time. That's why I wrote my most recent book, Jesus, Jihad and Peace to confront the core beliefs and motivations of Islam and to share how God has called Christians to respond.

Now is the time for all believers to declare to a warring world that Jesus is the only way to peace. I hope you will join me in sharing this message with the world.

In Christ,


Michael Youssef, Ph.D.