World View and Current Events
Prayers for Aleppo
Dec 19, 2016
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For four years, a bloody civil war has been raging within Syria’s borders. Hundreds of thousands have lost their lives at the hands of the Syrian government, rebel forces, and foreign alliances.

We’ve all seen the photos and headlines coming out of Aleppo—children bloodied, shocked, and covered in dust; young people recording goodbye messages to their families; an entire city decimated into rubble; and the endless stream of refugees fleeing for their lives in what has now become the largest refugee crisis in modern history.

In the face of such heartbreak and loss, we realize our need for the sovereign intervention of a gracious and powerful God. Let us cast this impossible burden upon Him in prayer.

Syrian man carrying child through building rubble in Syria

Let us cast this impossible burden upon Him in prayer.

pray for peace

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 20:6, Isaiah 40:23, Daniel 2:21, 1 Timothy 2:1-2

Prayer: Lord Jesus, in the midst of such staggering tragedy I don’t always know what to pray. The darkness seems overwhelming, but I know that You are sovereign, and I thank You that You hear my prayers. Your Word says that You rule over all the nations, you bring princes to naught, and You are the one who deposes and raises up leaders. Lord, I pray that You alone would bring peace to Syria. In Your mercy, may this civil war end so that further bloodshed can be stopped. Raise up new leaders for Syria who are dedicated to serving and protecting the people. Bring the peace that only You can bring. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

pray for salvation

Scripture: Genesis 50:20, John 6:44, Matthew 11:28, Psalm 46:1

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your love in bringing salvation and redemption out of situations where Satan intends evil. In the midst of this crisis, draw the Syrian people to the Truth of salvation in Jesus Christ. I pray that the weary would draw near to You, O Lord, in the midst of this darkness. I thank You that You are already seeking and saving the lost in the midst of this tragedy, and that many Christian organizations are working on Your behalf there. May the refugee find refuge in You, O Lord, and pass from death to life in Christ. May the weary know the hope of eternity only found through Christ’s sacrifice. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Scripture: John 13:35, Mark 16:15, Luke 3:11, Matthew 25:35-40

Prayer: Lord, thank You for the ways You are already moving among Syrian refugees, drawing many from death to life in Jesus Christ. I pray that You would continue to equip and sustain Leading The Way’s on-the-ground teams to respond to the vast needs of those who have lost so much and are in need of Your love. Give the Leading The Way team wisdom and resources as they determine who to help and how to help. Use this ministry to awaken many to the hope of Christ and to bring spiritual revival in the Middle East. Thank You for each person You have called to serve in this region. May the lost come running to You because of the light they see in these people. Thank You, Lord, for Your passionate pursuit of the lost and broken. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Through your partnership, Leading The Way is ministering to Syrian refugees—proclaiming the Gospel, discipling on the ground, and helping those in need. Watch this powerful video to see how God is moving in the region.