Christian Living
Wait on God
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Feb 6, 2024
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For the believer, patience is built upon the absolute, unshakable belief that God is sovereign. We can be patient because we know we are neither forgotten nor forsaken by our heavenly Father. Patience is the result of knowing that God has every detail of our lives under control. Nothing escapes His eternal care.

One day your loving Savior is coming back for you. Remember, your ultimate destination is heaven. Therefore, don't get hooked by Satan's bait and begin treating this world as your real home. If you do, you will find that you are becoming more impatient with the aggravations of life.

We long to move away from our difficulties, but God wants us to wait and to learn how to be patient.

James gives us examples that spur us on to patience. First, we must understand some of the basic rules of farming (see James 5:7). A farmer does not continually dig up the seed he has planted in order to check its growth—if he did so, he would never have a harvest. Likewise, we must trust God's timing in our lives.

Just as the farmer waits for his crop, we must wait on God to complete His work in our lives. This takes patience! James goes on to tell us that even Job had to endure a fierce trial. However, he knew that God had a wonderful plan for his life, and he refused to deny the Lord.

There will be times when we feel like we are in a holding pattern in our lives. We long to move away from our difficulties, but God wants us to wait and to learn how to be patient. If you find yourself feeling impatient with your circumstances, look up into the glorious face of the Savior who loves you and has a great reward for you.

Prayer: Father, You are sovereign. As I wait on Your work in my life, I pray You would bring to mind opportunities and ways that I might serve You with honor. I desire to show my faithfulness in this time of waiting. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord's coming" (James 5:7).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef's sermon 12 Evidences of Faith, Part 11: LISTEN NOW | WATCH NOW