Life of Jesus Christ
The Crux of the Cross
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Apr 9, 2023
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Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-24.

Before it became an icon of Christian hope, the cross was simply an instrument of torture. It was a means of execution used by the Romans and reserved for the meanest of criminals. Thus, it wasn't popular. People didn't wear jewelry depicting the cross; no one placed an ornamental cross in their home. Of course, when Jesus took our sins upon that cross, everything changed. The cross became a symbol of our faith in Him, a reminder that the Son of God paid the ultimate price for our eternal freedom and salvation.

The cross is the only cure for the terminal disease of sin in our lives.

The cross of Christ secured victory over evil. It brings hope to every hopeless situation, and it is the only way of salvation. The cross that Jesus died upon two thousand years ago opened the gate to eternal life. The cross of Christ is more than a symbol. It is everything.

Yet today, even in churches, the cross is disappearing. Why? Because we have trivialized sin, and wherever sin is trivialized, the cross is minimized. Sin and the cross go together. Because of the greatness of our sin, the cross was necessary. And because of the greatness of the cross, our sin is paid in full. If we do not understand the enormity of our sin and its incredible offense to a holy God, we cannot comprehend the glorious grace and beauty of the cross. The cross is the only cure for the terminal disease of sin in our lives.

Make no mistake: The cross is still an instrument of death. But in Christ, it has put to death our guilt, our sin, our shame, and even death itself. Now, that is worth celebrating!

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your amazing grace. Thank You for granting me salvation through the sacrifice of Your Son. Your forgiveness and love astound me and give me life. You are good. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" (1 Corinthians 1:18).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef's sermon The Folly and the Power of the Cross, Part 1: LISTEN NOW | WATCH NOW