Christian Living
Faith to Surrender It All to Jesus
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Mar 8, 2023
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*An audio version of today's devotional is available on Leading The Way's MY Devotional podcast.

Read John 6:1-15.

As followers of Jesus, we should not be afraid of big challenges. No matter the goal, the problem, or the need, our God is able to supply abundantly beyond all we could ask or imagine. Of course, that doesn't mean we are to be reckless with our resources. God calls us to be good stewards of all He has entrusted to us. But we can have confidence that whatever God calls us to do, He will provide what we need; there is no problem too big for God.

God is asking you to be a distributor, not a manufacturer.

Take, for example, the scene in John 6. Large crowds had followed Jesus to a mountainside off the shore of the Sea of Galilee. It was time to eat, and so Jesus asked, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?" (v. 5). Jesus knew what He planned to do, but He asked His disciples to see how they would respond. In the natural realm, it was an impossible problem.

In the crowd, there was a Jewish boy who understood this. He trusted Jesus with all that he had—five little loaves and two fish—and Jesus did the rest. It was this young man's willingness to trust Jesus with what he had, his confidence that Jesus can do far more than what he could think or imagine, that brought the impossible to life. He entrusted Jesus to take his meager offering and multiply it for the good of the multitudes.

The reason so many Christians stay in their comfort zones and don't step out and take risks is because they think they must be manufacturers; they believe they must produce within themselves all that will be required. But God is asking you to be a distributor, not a manufacturer. He is the manufacturer—the one who will supply everything you need to fulfill His calling upon your life.

God wants to use you. He is asking every one of us to step out in faith today and to give back to Him all that He has given us. The Holy Spirit is speaking to each of us, asking, "What do you have? What have I placed in your hands?"

Prayer: Jesus, help me to see the resources You have given me that You would have me give into Your hands for the blessing of multitudes. May I have faith to see the possibilities and trust in Your power to use my obedience and humble sacrifices for great good. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?" (John 6:9).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef's sermon Look Who Moved Out, Part 2: LISTEN NOW