Christian Living
The Only Way to Brag
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Oct 26, 2022
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(NEW: You can now listen to today's MY Devotional on Leading The Way's daily devotional podcast!)

Read Romans 3:19-4:25.

As we run the race of faith, one of the greatest hurdles we will face in the Christian life is pride. Pride ruins relationships. It blinds us to our faults while giving us a critical attitude toward others and an unteachable spirit. It keeps us from knowing God intimately, causing even greater isolation and loneliness.

When it comes to our salvation from sin and judgment, boasting in ourselves is unthinkable; God has done it all.

The reality is that not one of us has the right to be prideful—"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). Here in Romans, the apostle Paul rebukes us for our self-centeredness and shows us the only way to brag:

  • In Christ alone—for He alone has given us a wondrous salvation (see 3:21-31).
  • About our faith—which God alone has given to us as a gift (see 4:1-8).
  • About God's grace—because our salvation comes from Christ and not by our own works (see 4:9-17).
  • About God's power—for only He can "[give] life to the dead" (4:17; see vv. 18-25).

When it comes to our salvation from sin and judgment, boasting in ourselves is unthinkable; God has done it all. We "all are justified freely by his grace"; His gift of salvation is totally unmerited (Romans 3:24). You did not do anything to deserve it and could not do anything to earn it. That is why God alone deserves all the glory for all He has done. 

Prayer: Lord, for as long as you have me on this earth, let me boast in Jesus—not myself. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"Where, then, is boasting? It is excluded. . . . For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law" (Romans 3:27a-28).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef's sermon From Valley to Victory, Part 5: WATCH NOW | LISTEN NOW