Christian Living
Enter the Door of Hope
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Oct 12, 2019
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What is the focus of your life? Christ's focus was the redemption of mankind. His gaze was set on your salvation. In fact, this was one of the core reasons why He came to earth. He left the glories of heaven and endured the heartbreak of rejection and death on the cross to redeem you to Himself.

None of us will ever be required to do what Jesus did at Calvary. However, God does ask us to deny ourselves and follow His Son. There is no room for self-centered thinking. There is only room for holy devotion to the one who loves us with an eternal love. He gave His life so we might have life.

When you enter His presence, you will discover true intimacy and peace.

The psalmist writes, "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked" (Psalm 84:10).

Psalm 84 is a reminder that even before Christ came, men and women longed to experience God's love and protection. We have no idea what the circumstances of this writer's life were like. However, we can know from reading his words that he was facing extreme difficulty and stress. Yet, he found hope and comfort in God's presence. He knew that there was a door standing before him—one of hope and not defeat.

God had a plan for his life, and the Lord has a plan for your life, too. You can pray with the psalmist: "Hear my prayer, Lord God Almighty; listen to me, God of Jacob. . . . Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere" (Psalm 84:8, 10).

Jesus is your door of hope. When you enter His presence, you will discover true intimacy and peace.

Prayer: Father, I long to know Your love more deeply. Thank You for the comfort and rest that are only found in Your presence. Continue to shape me, that I may be completely devoted to You. Help me to trust fully in You. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you" (Psalm 84:12).