"I No Longer Wake Up in Fear": Lisa's Story (USA)
May 2, 2022
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Lisa, a Leading The Way viewer, shares her story:

Fear of the future. Fear of what might happen to her children. Fear of the pandemic. Fear of loss. For Lisa's entire life, it was fear that kept her up at night—and fear that greeted her in the morning. "I had never lived without fear," she admits.

"I'd always believed in my head that Jesus is Lord, but now this faith is in my heart and my soul."

For most of her life, Lisa believed that Jesus was her Savior but hadn't really made Him the Lord of her life. Faith in Christ seemed like nothing more than a mental checklist of beliefs. Crippling anxiety still dominated her every thought—and she longed for peace.

One day, while flipping through the television channels, a commercial captured her attention.

"In an oppressive world, only God brings true freedom from sin, fear, guilt, and death—and that freedom can be yours when you come to the only one who defeated death and the grave. Will you come to Him?"

The man in the commercial was Dr. Michael Youssef, and he said there was a way to experience freedom from fear: through Jesus Christ. That simple moment marked a dramatic turning point in Lisa's life.

"I'd always believed in my head that Jesus is Lord, but now this faith is in my heart and my soul. It's all-encompassing," she shares. "I no longer wake up in fear or high anxiety of what could happen. Instead, I wake up every morning greeting Jesus, with gratitude, joy, and deep appreciation for what each new day will bring."

Today, Lisa immerses her heart and mind in Scripture daily—watching Christian programs, reading the Bible, and listening to worship music. "My children have noticed the huge change, and I pray that they will feel the Spirit working in them as I have been blessed to," she reflects. "All thanks to the commercial for Finding True Peace and to our precious Jesus and grace-filled, merciful Lord."

Learn more about Finding True Peace, Leading The Way's national evangelistic campaign airing on cable television networks across the nation.