Growing in Grace: Wahid (Morocco)
Nov 2, 2019
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"The more I studied, the more I realized that Jesus is a unique person."

Wahid was just a teenager when the [radical] Islamic groups started trying to recruit him. But God had plans to make him a fisher of men. Today, he serves on Leading The Way's field team—evangelizing and discipling those who respond to our broadcasts. This is his story of faith.


"The more I studied, the more I realized that Jesus is a unique person—that He is the Truth."

"By the time I was a teenager, I had already memorized five parts of the Quran and had faithfully kept all the Muslim prayers. Because of my sincerity, all the Islamic groups were targeting me to recruit me. But in college, I started being exposed to Christ and Christianity.

"I joined a student movement to study religions. [Everything changed] when I asked a British Christian to come and share what Christianity contributed to North Africa. In a packed lecture hall, he started presenting things I had never heard before.

"In the middle of his presentation, one Muslim in the crowd started attacking Christianity and the Bible. All the students clapped and cheered—but I was upset by their hostility. To my surprise, instead of retaliating, the man smiled back. 'I’m so glad you allowed me to speak about Jesus and Christianity over the last 20 minutes,' he said. 'I encourage you to continue searching.'

"From that moment on, I started searching out the Christian faith until I was convinced that it is the right way to God. The more I studied, the more I realized that Jesus is a unique person—that He is the Truth. I declared Him as my Lord and Savior.

"Since that time, I found more and more Moroccan Christians like me and began studying the Bible with them. I began growing in grace and faith every day through prayer. My relationship with Jesus has deepened as I’ve encountered His faithfulness in amazing ways.

"I can now say that Jesus is the God of yesterday, today, and forever."

*Name and photo changed for his protection.

Please join us in prayer and giving as we seek for new members of our field team.