Christian Living
Plant a Seed, Q.4: “Why did Jesus become so weak?”
Jul 3, 2019
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As we talk with the Muslims in our midst, our job is to plant a seed, to pray, to love, and to trust God to bring souls to life in Him (see 1 Corinthians 3:6-7). Since the Quran discourages Muslims from asking questions about Islam's teachings (Quran 5:101), we can plant a seed in the heart of a Muslim by giving them opportunities to think critically. Invite your new Muslim friend to consider this question with you.

Young Middle Eastern Man

Jesus, God Himself, came to satisfy our infinite debt.


As they consider Jesus Christ, many Muslims are hindered from receiving the Good News of the Gospel because they simply cannot see how God could be so weak. How could God take on flesh, become so vulnerable, and then, even further, die such a humiliating and horrific death on the cross? They struggle to understand the purpose for such an act, and as we Christians seek to lead them to the Truth, it is crucial to begin with our first question in this series about fitra(h) and original sin.*


“Why did Jesus, God in flesh, become so weak? Why would He allow Himself to be humiliated on the cross?”


Just as the punishment for a crime increases based on the status of the person we sin against, the penalty for sinning against the infinite, holy God is likewise infinite and, therefore, beyond our ability to pay. We are lost, incapable of redeeming ourselves. But that is not the end of the story. Jesus, God Himself, came to satisfy our infinite debt.

In order to redeem sinful people, the Redeemer had to meet two conditions:

  1. The Savior had to be on the same level as God Himself—to be fully God—to atone for sins against the divine. The Redeemer had to be Himself divine.
  2. The Savior had to be fully man to atone for the sins of man. He had to live the perfect, sinless life we should have lived and then take the punishment we deserve.

So Jesus left the throne of heaven, humbling Himself by taking on flesh (Philippians 2:7-8; John 1:14). In Him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell (Colossians 1:19). Why? To save us, to usher all who believe in Him into the Kingdom of God by paying our ransom on the cross. It was the only way.

Jesus became temporarily weak to give us eternal strength. But His majestic, unparalleled power is manifested in our redemption and in His defeat of death, for He rose again from the dead! He offers us new life for eternity by His grace. Would you like to receive His wondrous gift of salvation?


THE KINGDOM SAT is Leading The Way's 24/7 satellite TV channel ministering to Muslims through:

  • Sound Biblical teaching programs
  • On-the-ground discipleship teams

After 10 YEARS of Gospel ministry to the Muslim world, we are reaching into 190 million homes across the Middle East and North Africa with plans to double our audience over the next 7 years.

Do you have a Muslim friend whom you'd like to connect with THE KINGDOM SAT? Direct them to THE KINGDOM SAT online to find answers to their questions about Christianity.