Christian Living
Plant a Seed, Q.1: "Can you explain fitra(h) to me?"
Feb 28, 2019
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When it comes to ministering to the Muslims in our midst, we don't have to have all the answers, and we don't have to present the entire story of Scripture all at once. Our job is to plant a seed, to pray, to love, and to trust God to bring souls to life in Him. One of the best ways to plant a seed in the heart of a Muslim is to give them an opportunity to think critically. Over the next few months, we will feature a new conversation question that you can ask a Muslim to consider with you—to plant a seed.

One of the best ways to plant a seed in the heart of a Muslim is to give them an opportunity to think critically.



Islam does not have a doctrine of original sin. According to the Quran and Hadith, all people are born with a blank slate—not having sin. This doctrine is called fitra(h) (Bukari 1359, Quran 30:30). Everyone also carries their own sin (Quran 17:15). Allah will judge each person according to what they have done.


"Can you explain fitra(h) to me? . . . When Adam and Eve sinned, they were expelled from paradise. But if fitra(h) is true—if we are all born without sin—why don't we each have a chance to live purely in paradise? Why are we condemned for the sin of our parents Adam and Eve, living in this broken world and toiling to provide for our family?"


The Bible tells us that we are all born in sin (see Psalm 51:5; Ephesians 2:2-3). No one is righteous; no one does good; no one seeks God (see Romans 3:10-12). From our infancy, we rebel against God—a sin we inherited from our first parents, a sin with eternal consequences. The greater the worth and power of the one we sin against, the greater the consequence. So, when we sin against the Creator of all, the cost of that transgression is infinite—a cost we could never pay. Only God can take away this sin, and He chooses to redeem us through Jesus Christ—just like when He provided a substitution, a sacrifice, for Abraham's son*. God is a Redeemer.

*Muslims think this event occurred with Ishmael, rather than Isaac, so to avoid distraction from the topic at hand, be sure to simply say "Abraham's son."


THE KINGDOM SAT is Leading The Way's 24/7 satellite TV channel ministering to Muslims through sound Biblical teaching programs and on-the-ground discipleship teams. After 10 YEARS of Gospel ministry to the Muslim world, we are reaching into 190 million homes across the Middle East and North Africa with plans to double our audience over the next 7 years.

Do you have a Muslim friend whom you'd like to connect with THE KINGDOM SAT? Direct them to to find answers to their questions about Christianity.