World View and Current Events
Pray for Ramadan: Week 4
Jun 5, 2018
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Download our FREE Ramadan Prayer Guide: Praying for Truth to Reign in the Muslim World.

Ramadan, fasting month in Islam, is this month in most countries. Please pray for Muslims to see the light of Jesus and for new believers to stand strong against all the challenges they face during this month. Read Ramadan Prayer Guide: How to pray for Muslims and Christians during Ramadan for a more in-depth look at the Islamic beliefs and practices surrounding Ramadan.

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! . . . Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure." 1 John 3:1-3

Pray for Muslims to be profoundly captivated by the holiness, the love and peace, exhibited by the Christians around them during Ramadan.

As Muslims work out their faith during Ramadan to achieve a better position before Allah, they may be discouraged by the futility of the gesture since, for all their fervor and dedication, they have no assurance of salvation. Allah can choose to save or condemn at will without reference to any deeds or thoughts of the particular Muslim.

But for those in Christ, our victory is won for us. We are justified and sanctified through the blood of Jesus Christ poured out for us on the cross. It is through this means and no other that believers are saved and made holy and righteous, even heirs with Christ forever. Our standing does not change. However, believers can and should continue to be transformed by the amazing grace of the Gospel as we daily apply it to our lives.

Leading The Way seeks to encourage and equip new believers in the Muslim world to work out their faith in Christ through discipleship opportunities coordinated by on-the-ground follow-up teams with THE KINGDOM SAT. It is our hope that as they encounter the grace of God, they will continue to be made more and more like Christ to the glory of God and that this holy transformation would draw more Muslims out of darkness and into the light of the world. Let's pray for:

  • God to work in the hearts of believers in the Muslim world to apply grace to every aspect of their lives and there find freedom.
  • Muslims to be profoundly captivated by the holiness, the love and peace, exhibited by the Christians around them during Ramadan.
  • Christian discipleship groups throughout the Muslim world to gain greater wisdom and strength through the work of the Holy Spirit and the application of the Word of God to their lives.
  • The Holy Spirit to bring forth good fruit as viewers grow in knowledge and wisdom through the sound Biblical teaching provided on THE KINGDOM SAT.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for the assurance of salvation and the promise of new life that You give to all Your children. I pray that You would uphold Your sons and daughters in the Muslim world with the power of Your grace to overcome every sin. Give them Your eternal perspective and encourage them with the hope of glory Christ in them. Draw Muslims to Yourself as You demonstrate Your holiness through Your people. Grant Your children supernatural grace, mercy, and love towards those around them in the midst of opposition and even persecution. Let Your Word dwell in their hearts to give them peace and joy in all circumstances. And give Leading The Way's on-the-ground teams unfailing wisdom and strength to disciple and point people to the cross of Christ. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

To learn more about Leading The Way's outreach to the Muslim world, click here.