World View and Current Events
Who Will Rebuild America's Foundation?
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Jul 16, 2015
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From the desk of Dr. Michael Youssef

I'm honored to call America my adopted homeland -- yet I'm grieved to see this nation crumbling from within. No attack by a foreign power could achieve the devastation America is inflicting on herself. From the marble halls of government to the broadcast towers of the media to the ivory towers of our universities, we are seeing a relentless attack on Christian faith and morality.

Within the church we see professing Christians denying the Truth of the Gospel, trivializing sin, and rejecting the authority of God's Word. The strong, protective walls of God's Truth are being dismantled brick by brick, leaving the next generation defenseless.

The solution to our crisis is in the Word of God. There we read that when Nehemiah heard that the walls of Jerusalem were destroyed, he was devastated. "I sat down and wept," he said. "For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven." The waywardness of God's people broke Nehemiah's heart and drove him to his knees in prayer.

Are our hearts broken over the collapsed walls of the church? God honors obedience and answers prayer. Will we report for duty?

Dr. Michael Youssef

"The solution to our crisis is in the Word of God." 

Let's say, "Here I am, Lord. Use me to help rebuild the walls of Your church." Then let's rise up and proclaim our faith in Christ. Let's be vibrant witnesses in our communities. And let's encourage each other to stand firm through opposition.

Here at home, Leading The Way continues to proclaim the undiluted Gospel of Life of Jesus Christ more than 4,300 times every week over the airwaves, reaching the lost and calling believers to stand for Biblical Truth.

In addition to airing the Gospel message via television and radio, we are reaching the digital mission field. In a culture where the average American spends more than seven hours a day on the Internet and mobile devices, God has established Leading The Way as a voice of Truth on strategic digital media platforms.

But this vital evangelistic work is only possible through your partnership. Would you prayerfully consider giving a gift this month to help us proclaim Biblical Truth not just globally, but here at home?

Although our walls are crumbling, together we can fill the cracks with faith, set new bricks in the Gospel, and secure a solid foundation in His Truth.

In Christ,


Michael Youssef, Ph.D.