July Notes from Our Inbox
Jul 13, 2015
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Each month Leading The Way receives correspondence from all over the world. Through emails, letters, SMS, and phone calls, viewers and listeners express share how God has touched them through our programming. We hope that this month's notes from our inbox will be an encouragement to you and an answer to your prayers for Leading The Way.


"I very much like to read and listen to all that you offer. I have witnessed more and more of God working in my life and I am grateful for having the opportunity to be able to learn from the way Michael presents his messages. God does have a plan for me and Michael has really opened my eyes to the most important message of all."


"I was greatly encouraged in the Lord when an occasion arose where I was resting on a seat outside a supermarket waiting for my daughter. I thought, 'What a good opportunity to listen to Leading The Way.' There was a young, unkempt aboriginal lad sitting nearby and as I listened he said, 'Do you listen to Michael Youssef?' He is not currently practicing the Christian faith, but he listens to Michael on radio. I don't presume I might have encouraged him, but my main reason for sharing this is to say how happy I was to hear how the Word of God is going out into the aboriginal community. I praise the Lord and trust the work will bear much fruit for God's glory."


"I've been searching for the truth for the past year and I know now that Christianity is the only true religion."


"Your sermon, Conquer Part 4: Heaven or Hell was amazing! What a wake-up call. Everyone needs this message desperately. This is the most important message I've ever heard! Thank you Dr. Youssef!"


"I've been searching for the truth for the past year and I know now that Christianity is the only true religion. I read the Bible. I know we are called to love each other and not to kill and fight. I want to become a Christian. Would you please tell me more about the Holy Spirit?"


"I want to know about Christianity and I have the desire to accept Christ the Lord of peace and love as my Savior."


"We have distributed Leading The Way Navigator devices to the Wana people of Indonesia. It takes 22 hours to go to the Wana village 12 hours by car, five hours by small ship, and five hours by motor bike. Most of the Wana people cannot read or write and are far from the modern world, so the Navigator has become a very effective tool in delivering the good news. Thank you for your partnership and your heart for our people in Indonesia."