No Longer Afraid: Samar's Story
May 18, 2015
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She had heard about the brutal executions, the cities destroyed, the families kidnapped all in the name of Allah. News of ISIS filled not only the headlines but the conversations of her friends and classmates, fueling the doubts she had experienced for a long time about the religion that had come to shape her life.

Samar*, 18, was a Saudi Arabian Muslim with a lot of questions about her beliefs. Hungry for the Truth, she looked to Christian television for answers to her questions: What about the Trinity do Christians worship three gods, or one? How could Jesus be God if He were a man?

Samar called in to THE KINGDOM SAT, Leading The Way's 24/7 satellite channel, with her questions and she found answers. For months, she corresponded with Ash, a Leading The Way follow-up coordinator, after her family deleted THE KINGDOM SAT from their satellite receiver. "I could lose my life at the hands of one of my own family members because of this," she shared, "and I'm not ready to die for something that might be a lie."

"For Samar, a young woman living in Saudi Arabia, facing death for her conversion is a very real concern but she has already counted the cost."

But Samar continued to call with more questions, and the answers continued to point to one Truth: Jesus was not just a prophet or teacher, as the Qur'an said; He was the Savior. The time had come for her to make a choice. Would she continue to follow Islam or would she turn her back on the life she had known in order to follow Christ?

After eight months of conversations, Samar had made up her mind. She prayed with Ash to accept Christ as her Lord and Savior. "Now I'm ready to die, because it's easy to die for what I'm now convinced is the truth," she said. "I thank God for ISIS, because they opened my eyes."

For Samar, a young woman living in Saudi Arabia, facing death for her conversion is a very real concern but she has already counted the cost. With a hunger for God's Word, she continues to study the Bible online and contact our follow-up team to develop a deeper understanding of who God is and how to walk with Him every day. "Samar's best friend also has the same questions that she once had and now that she knows the Truth, she boldly shares the Gospel with her.

The vast majority of Saudi Muslims agree that the Islamic State accurately represents Islamic values but some are asking questions, and God is opening doors. Samar is one of many whose questions about ISIS and Islam are driving her to the cross. Through personal on-the-ground follow-up and clear Bible teaching from those who understand the culture of the Middle East, God is using the outreach efforts of Leading The Way to grow the church in this region.

To be a part of Leading The Way's outreach through personal discipleship and 24/7 broadcasting, consider a generous gift this month and join as we share the hope of Christ in the Muslim world.

*Name changed for her security.