May Notes from Our Inbox
May 2, 2015
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Each month Leading The Way receives correspondence from all over the world. Through emails, letters, SMS, and phone calls, viewers and listeners express share how God has touched them through our programming. We hope that this month's notes from our inbox will be an encouragement to you and an answer to your prayers for Leading The Way.


"I regularly listen to Leading The Way, and Dr. Youssef recently spoke about fear. I live with my two children and my husband is no more, so I constantly worry about my children and that just compounds our problems. This message was like medicine to my fear-driven soul and helped me to correct myself and to overcome fear."


"I completely surrendered my life to Christ and am preparing myself to work full time for Him by spreading the Gospel to others who are lost."


"I started listening to your program because it's in English translated into Arabic, and I am trying to learn English but the program started giving me more meaning to life. I'm a Muslim but I'm attracted to know more about Christianity and I'm so admiring this faith!"


"After I started listening to Leading The Way, I completely surrendered my life to Christ and am preparing myself to work full time for Him by spreading the Gospel to others who are lost. I praise God for the salvation that He has granted me so freely."


"When I went blind, the radio lightened my heart and built my faith from the evening until dawn. I keep listening to the station because my faith is getting stronger every time I listen to it. My favorite program is Leading The Way."



"By listening to your program, my faith has become stable. I wonder what would have happened to my life if I did not have the Word of God. In the past I was deceived and lost money in business. I was bitter toward my betrayers and considered suicide. However, God saved me praise the Lord. I listened to your program and God changed my mind. I believe God and entrust my life to Him with a conviction that He will resolve my problem. Please keep me in your prayers."


"I'm from a Shia Islamic background. I knew Christ through your radio station. I used to hear its program regularly and felt that God was calling me and telling me to follow Him. I accepted Christ as my Savior five years ago and started reading the Bible a precious gift from a friend in Lebanon. My family noticed the difference in my life and started to follow me and search through my stuff. They found the Bible and tore it. I've been verbally persecuted and deprived of food and clothes. I live in a very Islamic area that has no churches and I'm only surrounded by Muslims. Thank you for all your prayers. Thank you for sending me books that encourage me to grow and mature in faith."