April Notes from Our Inbox
Apr 3, 2015
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Each month, Leading The Way receives powerful testimonies from listeners, viewers, and readers from around the world. As you read about how God has used Leading The Way to bring victory in their lives, we hope that their words will be an encouragement to you and an answer to your prayers.


"After listening to your program tonight, I got the feeling that even though I have believed in Jesus for years, my knowing of God is very less. You might say I only have a concept in my mind that God exists in the world as well as the devil. This was my faith status before listening to your program. Through your program I have come to know more about God's love and realize how insignificant I am. I am just the dust of the ground, therefore I am willing to fall down at Jesus' feet and unconditionally obey His leading."


"I thank God that He delivered me from Satan and called me out of darkness into His wonderful light."


"My husband was an unbeliever, but things changed from the moment we started listening to Radio 7. God has softened his heart and he now believes God's Word. Recently I was struggling with unemployment and sickness. In these very difficult moments for our family, my husband was encouraging me with the Word of God. The teachings of Dr. Youssef have impacted our lives the most. They have so much value and are full of biblical truths. Everyone in our family is encouraged by your programs, so now I can say I'm glad that accident happened because God turned it for my good and brought me closer to Him."


Tahj* is from a Catholic background but had left his childhood Christian faith and became an atheist. Later, he got involved in Satanism and began practicing satanic rituals of sacrifices and worship. Tahj moved with his family to Algeria and spent most of his time at home watching the broadcasts of Leading The Way's satellite channel THE KINGDOM SAT. His eyes were opened to the Truth and he realized that he was against Christ. He repented, regretting the past and the decisions he had made. Tahj accepted Life of Jesus Christ as his Savior and he is determined to follow Him with all of his heart.


"I was one of those people who blindly and fanatically defended Islam. One day I was talking with a dear friend who calmly advised me to study more about my religion . . . It was hard to believe what I read . . . I stopped studying those books and turned to reading the Qur'an, only to realize that it was not a godly book. I couldn't see love or justice in the god of Islam. I called my friend and he told me about your satellite channel. I started to watch the programs and got to know and understand the character of God, whom I always longed to know.

"I thank God that He delivered me from Satan and called me out of darkness into His wonderful light. I'm thankful that He gave His one and only Son, so I won't perish but have eternal life. He changed my life with His love and I'm a new creation in Him. He has restored the years that the swarming locust has eaten. He is my father, my friend, and my beloved. I'm so thankful for your channel and all the enlightenment and inspiration I gained from knowing and understanding the truth."