Global Work
Pray for Viewers of THE KINGDOM SAT
Nov 23, 2015
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Since 2009, Leading The Way's satellite television channel THE KINGDOM SAT has been broadcasting Gospel Truth into the Muslim world. Our teams continue to follow up with these viewers daily to provide encouragement and Biblical counsel to those who have questions about the Christian faith.

Here are some of the most recent prayer requests coming in from THE KINGDOM SAT:

"Pray that God will use this channel to draw many more to Him and comfort those who have lost everything."

"M" is a convert from Jordan who has been discipled by our follow-up teams and was baptized. She has been under pressure from her family and requested prayers to find a job outside of Jordan. Her mother has been threatening to kill her and is carefully watching her. Please lift her up in prayer.

"U" from Egypt has many questions about Christianity and the Bible. He has been texting us but is afraid to meet the follow-up team. Please pray that he will see God's love for him.

"A" from Algeria is a convert who has been contacting us for a while. He feels lonely after his family left him because of his faith. He requested prayers for his wife to know Christ and for his protection. He wants to get baptized soon.

Please continue to pray for all the refugees who are tuning in to THE KINGDOM SAT for encouragement, hope, and Truth. Pray that God will use this channel to draw many more to Him and to comfort those who have lost everything.

Thank you for your prayers.