Global Work
Pray for Navigators
Jan 14, 2017
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“The greatest missionary is the Bible in the mother tongue. It needs no furlough and is never considered a foreigner.” —William Cameron Townsend

Over the years, hundreds of thousands of people in some of the darkest and most remote places in the world have received the amazing gift of God’s Word through the Leading The Way Navigator

Man holding Navigator

These devices are scattered throughout the world today, carrying the Good News of the Gospel to people in need.

These portable, solar-powered, easy-to-use “pocket missionaries” are loaded with the audio New Testament in the local language, along with up to 50 of Dr. Youssef’s Biblically-based teachings. These beloved gifts have blessed the souls of Syrian and Iraqi refugees, lepers in India, tribes in South Sudan, prisoners, orphans, gypsies in Eastern Europe, persecuted Christians, and church planters. 

We know these devices are scattered throughout the world today, carrying the Good News of the Gospel to people in need. In fact, for each device distributed, roughly 10 people have the opportunity to hear the Gospel. Let us lift them up in prayer today.

Please pray:
  • That the people who received these precious Navigators would continue to use them to seek Christ daily in every aspect of their lives
  • That listeners would be drawn to the Truth as church planters and evangelists carry the Gospel to remote regions and closed countries through the Navigator
  • That God’s Word would bring peace, joy, hope, and a deep understanding of salvation in Christ to every listening ear

Prayer: Father, thank You for these amazing tools You have given us to proclaim Your Gospel in hard-to-reach places. I praise You for the ways You have brought hope to the hopeless as Your Word is spoken in the local language and shared within communities. Lord, may nothing hinder Your Gospel as it goes forth through the Navigator, bringing Truth and light in dark places. May these devices be shared and cherished as You uplift Christians and call new disciples into Your Kingdom. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

God is using the Navigator to transform lives for eternity.