Global Work
Pray for Indonesia
Feb 16, 2017
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Things are getting tense in Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim nation.

As the country engages in regional elections, mass protests are taking place against Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, Jakarta’s incumbent candidate for governor.

Purnama, known by his Chinese nickname Ahok, is an ethnic Chinese Christian—and he is on trial for blasphemy against Islam following accusations that he insulted Islam on the campaign trail. Many are saying the Qur’an expressly forbids voting for a non-Muslim, and Islamists have rejected Ahok as an infidel for his Christian religion.

Some scholars and social anthropologists are calling this turn of events “a further sign of the increased radicalization in the country” as Indonesia’s political climate becomes “increasingly embittered” and “on the brink of disaster.”

Michael Youssef Preaching in Indonesia

As the spiritual and political climate intensifies in Indonesia, please join us in prayer.

With approximately 202.9 million Muslims, Indonesia holds the largest Muslim population of any country in the world. One province has even formally established Sharia Law as the law of the land.

In 2013, Leading The Way hosted a groundbreaking revival event in Jakarta, where more than a thousand people came to Christ following three days of preaching from Dr. Michael Youssef. Since then, through solar-powered Navigator devices and 24/7 programming via satellite TV, Leading The Way has been actively engaging Muslims in the region with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In 2016, we heard from approximately 102,970 people in response to our satellite TV broadcasts.

Here are some of the responses we’ve seen in the region:

  • Follow-up team report: “While watching the Jesus Film, one viewer was interested to know more about Jesus. He had already learned about the Christian faith in secret. After several months of personal follow-up with our team, he received Jesus Christ as Savior in his life and became a member of the local church. . . . All his family members are still fanatical Muslims.”
  • Viewer response: “I really want to thank you for your broadcasts, because in my area there is no church or ministry.”
  • Follow-up team report: “After watching our channel, one viewer wanted to know more about the Bible, the cross, and Jesus. She is an Islamic religious teacher, but she is very open. She watched Dr. Michael Youssef preaching and that made her want to learn more about Christianity. She continues to receive personal follow-up from our team.”
  • Viewer response: “I’m a Muslim. . . . I want to become a Christian. I do not like Islam, the terrorist’s religion; I want to be in the army of Christ.”
As the spiritual and political climate intensifies in Indonesia, please join us in prayer:

  • For the Gospel to take root and spread like wildfire in the world’s largest Muslim nation
  • For God to use Leading The Way programming to open spiritual eyes to the Truth and deliver many from death to life in Christ
  • For God to use the current political unrest to awaken many Muslims to question their faith in Islam, learn more about Christianity, and to be drawn to eternal life in Jesus

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for the nation of Indonesia and the plans You have for the people of Indonesia. In the midst of this political unrest, I pray that You would be glorified and that Your Kingdom would advance. Use Leading The Way’s programs to awaken many more Indonesians to the Truth of Jesus Christ. May Your Gospel go forth into the homes of people with minimal exposure to Your Word. May true and lasting spiritual fruit come forth from this region as Your Gospel is proclaimed. Draw the lost to Your Son. Awaken insatiable spiritual hunger in the people of Indonesia, Lord. Thank You for Your faithfulness and for Your power. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Leading The Way is reaching the Muslim world for Christ.