Bible and Theology
The Source of True Spirituality
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Apr 29, 2020
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Those who believe that true spirituality is defined exclusively by the Bible are often accused of being intolerant. I am glad to accept this false accusation as long as I am declaring the Truth of God's Word that shows us the only source of true spirituality is the Holy Spirit.

The Bible tells us the Holy Spirit is a person (see John 14:26; 16:13-15). He is the third member of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force; He is more aptly referred to as the Holy Spirit of Almighty God.

Only the Holy Spirit can renew our minds and bring us to the wholeness of spiritual transformation.

The Hebrew word for "spirit" is ruach, which means "breath" or "wind." One of the foremost word pictures of the Holy Spirit found in Scripture is the title Breath of God (see Job 33:4). In fact, the first word picture associated with the Spirit is that of breath—of something that makes the air move, even to the point of vigorous or violent motion (see Genesis 1:2). It is a picture of energy released, an outward moving force of power.

As we seek to gain understanding of God's Spirit, it is important to know that the Holy Spirit desires God's best for us. He works in us individually. He convicts us of sin, glorifies Christ, leads and guides us, teaches and commands us, intercedes for us, and provides divine help and care. The Holy Spirit prays through us that God's perfect will might be done in our lives.

In John 14-16, Jesus made it clear that after His resurrection, the Holy Spirit would be His personal representative on earth, indwelling Jesus' disciples.

The Holy Spirit is the full expression of God the Father and God the Son. Jesus said the Spirit would enable us to become more like Him (see John 14:1215-172615:4-1716:813-15). The Spirit is the fullness of God's character, love, presence, plan, and purpose.

As the Spirit does His work, He transforms us into the image of Christ Jesus. The process of spiritual transformation brings tremendous healing to the person who previously had been ripped apart by sin. Only the Holy Spirit can renew our minds and bring us to the wholeness of spiritual transformation.

Will you stop for a moment and thank God for the gift of His Holy Spirit? Then depend on the indwelling Spirit to work in you and through you as you go about your day's activities.

Prayer: Lord, because of Your great love, I am being transformed into Your likeness. Thank You for the gift of Your Spirit. Please help me to depend on Your Spirit to work in my life today. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us" (Romans 5:5).