Ask Dr. Youssef
Ask Dr. Youssef: "How can I press on and trust God when life gets hard?"
Sep 3, 2023
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My life is overwhelming right now. How can I press on and trust God when life gets hard?

David, with all his blemishes, saw his God as the God who is sufficient to meet our every need.


My friend, I want you to know the only joy that will carry you through these trying times. We get a glimpse of it in the life of David. You see, David had a sacred song that he always went back to. David, with all his blemishes, saw his God as the God who is sufficient to meet our every need, sufficient in all circumstances of life—in every emergency, in every desperation. He is sufficient, no matter how grim the prospect, no matter how numerous or powerful the enemy.

Now, I'm getting ready to shout because we have in the New Testament what David did not have. He longed for it; he prophesied about it; he talked about its coming, but he never saw it with his own eyes. He saw it like Abraham—with the eyes of faith (see John 8:56).

David longed to see the day that we have—the day that we take for granted. We have Jesus, the Son of David, the one and only revelation of God. Jesus, the conqueror of sin. Jesus, the vanquisher of death. Jesus, the master of salvation, the Lord of the universe. He is the defender of the weak, the master of the storms. Jesus is the provider of all your needs. My friend, Jesus is your shield; let Him be your sacred song.

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