Global Work
Spotlight: United States of America
Feb 20, 2020
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This month, our ministry spotlight is the United States of America. As many in the Western church have moved away from Biblical Truth, Leading The Way has been a light in the harbor for many beleaguered Christians desperate to find others who have remained faithful to God's Word. Please join us in prayer for our ministry work in the U.S.—that God would awaken this nation to return to Him.

"If God is going to save America, it is because faithful people are praying for America."


  • Population: 327.2 million
  • Religion: 65% professing Christian; 26% religiously unaffiliated; 9% other
  • Spirituality in America: 
    • 61% of professing Christians agree with ideas rooted in New Age spirituality
    • Only 7% of Americans believe what the Bible says about key issues like salvation, evangelism, and the life of Christ
    • More people are religiously unaffiliated than ever before
    • Islam is one of the fastest- growing religions (largely due to birth rates)
    • With 50 million immigrants and counting, the global mission field here in the West is growing
  • Current Challenges:
  • False teaching
  • Consumerism
  • Rising hostility to the Gospel
  • Moral relativism


Through your partnership, Leading The Way is saturating the airwaves with Biblical Truth—and many are responding to the Good News of Christ's love!

"I strayed so far from the Lord. Thank you for guiding me back to the light." LEADING THE WAY VIEWER, PENNSYLVANIA

"I have asked the Lord to forgive me of my sins and come into my heart." LEADING THE WAY VIEWER, MINNESOTA

"I have found the hope that energizes, Jesus Christ!"LEADING THE WAY VIEWER, NEW MEXICO

Together with your support, we are reaching:

  • The Unchurched and Unsaved – through Dr. Youssef's teaching programs on major secular TV networks, like Fox Business Network
  • Muslims in America – through Arabic broadcasts and personal follow-up
  • The Next Generationthrough the Leading The Way app, social media, and our new podcast Candid Conversations with Jonathan Youssef

Join us in prayer as we continue to expand every area of ministry through our Vision 2025 initiative, pressing on to reach the lost and equip believers to impact their communities for Christ.

Prayer: Father, help me to recognize opportunities to share the Truth of Your Gospel with those around me and to be faithful to pass on to the next generation the things You have taught me. Help me to do my part in equipping them for the spiritual battle at hand and being a living example of Your love and Truth. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Join the movement to see spiritual revival happen in our nation