Global Work
THE KINGDOM SAT: Not Just a Channel, but a Move of God
Oct 1, 2019
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An unreached desert tribe comes to Christ. A former ISIS leader becomes a Christian. A refugee finds comfort and hope. A husband and wife decide not to abort their baby. An entire family is saved. These are just a few of the thousands of testimonies God has brought forth from THE KINGDOM SAT over the last ten years.

Woman in hijab

God is drawing people from all backgrounds to seek and savor the living God.

As THE KINGDOM SAT lifts up the name of Christ, God is drawing people from all backgrounds to seek and savor the living God. Apologetics programs, Bible teaching, talk shows, worship music, LIVE church services, and youth meetings are all Christ-centered and Biblically-based—and they all serve to equip viewers with an understanding of God’s Word, to share about His character, and to invite viewers to join the conversation with their questions.

This is what makes THE KINGDOM SAT unique. It not only broadcasts the Gospel 24/7 through Biblically-based teaching programs—it also follows up individually with every person who reaches out. And it is confronting issues that the culture is not.



Challenging Islamic culture: In his controversial program Behind the Dunes, Bible scholar Al Fadi—a former Muslim—challenges Muslim viewers to consider the claims of Christ. His other program Don’t Be Afraid shows women their true worth in the eyes of God, confronting the common Middle Eastern belief that women are second-class citizens.

Exalting Christ through worship: Over the years, THE KINGDOM SAT has produced worship songs in several Arabic dialects, including the first worship songs ever written in the Yemeni dialect. As viewers hear passionate worship in their native tongue, many are touched by the power of Christ’s love.

Unpacking the Bible: With programs from more than 50 trusted Bible teachers, including Dr. Michael Youssef, THE KINGDOM SAT provides viewers access to solid teaching they may not otherwise have. Some messages are even broadcast LIVE, allowing viewers to see the Christian faith lived out in real time.


If you were to come to Christ in a country like Morocco, you might never meet another believer in your lifetime. How could you possibly stand strong in your faith with no spiritual support system?

For viewers with no access to Christian resources or fellowship, THE KINGDOM SAT field teams are a lifeline—and through their work, the underground church is growing. Equipped with Biblical training, a love for Muslims, and a firm grasp of Scripture and Arab culture, these follow-up teams are becoming the church—and forming secret churches—for those who have none.


As viewers reach out with their questions, these teams are responding via social media, email, phone, text, and in-person meetings, sharing the Gospel with the lost and discipling new believers. Some field team coordinators are former Muslims themselves, so they know firsthand the challenges their viewers are facing. Without their support, many viewers would return to Islam.

“I live in a remote area in Morocco that nobody knows anything about. I received Christ in my life by watching THE KINGDOM SAT channel. You became my home church that I go to all the time.” — MUHAMMAD, MOROCCO


THE KINGDOM SAT is confronting darkness with light—and the response is overwhelming. An average of 600 responses a day come in through social media alone. But THE KINGDOM SAT team is ready, and they are sharing the love of Christ night and day.

As God continues His work of revival in the Muslim world, the outreach of THE KINGDOM SAT is a strong, steady stream flowing into God’s grand ocean of redemption. And it will see its completion when every tribe, tongue, and nation gathers in worship around the throne of God.

Join us in prayer and giving as we continue to share the love of Christ in closed countries and remote regions.