Global Work
Going Where Many Cannot Go
Oct 6, 2017
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Broadcasting the Name of Jesus

From the frontlines of ISIS terror to the plight of Syrian and Iraqi refugees to the global persecution crisis, a vibrant move of God is happening through your prayers and partnership.

This year, you've helped us go where many cannot go, broadcasting the Good News of Jesus into closed countries and ministering on the ground. On the frontlines of the Syrian and Iraqi refugee crises—thousands of refugees like Rima* have heard the Gospel and received tangible help from Leading The Way after fleeing civil war and ISIS violence. One woman shared with us:

Even now, God is doing the impossible—and we believe the best is yet to come.

"I am so happy. If I had not become a refugee, I would have stayed lost."

On the frontlines of ISIS terror—we heard from radical Muslims, including a former ISIS leader, a member of Hezbollah, and an extremist sheikh. All exchanged their conquering for surrendering after watching our broadcasts or interacting with our field teams:

"When I compared Islam and Christianity, your teaching tipped the scales. Your ministry made a difference in my life and in my search for Truth and helped me pass from darkness to light."

On the frontlines of the great spiritual battlefields of our time—from Christian persecution to the war on Biblical Truth—God has opened doors for Dr. Michael Youssef and Leading The Way to advocate for His people and take a stand for His Word. Listeners and viewers are sharing the impact: 

"Thank you for presenting us with Truth, hope, and a call to action in this chaotic and confusing time!"

God is faithful. In the darkest of situations, He does not leave Himself without a witness. As many ask, "Why does God allow suffering?" the new harvest of souls coming out of today's crises is asking, "Why is He so gracious to use it?" Only God can use the greatest crises of our time as His canvas for revival and spiritual awakening.

On the frontlines, hope is breaking through—and you are there with us.

*name changed for her protection.

Sustaining the Mission of Leading The Way

Dr. Michael Youssef's unique background has culminated in an unprecedented opportunity to reach the world for Christ. By the grace of God and with his leadership, Leading The Way continues to be positioned as a force of Gospel good in the midst of troubled times. Despite worldwide turmoil, we are daily hearing of lives transformed—forever changed by the wonders of Christ's love—through our indigenous field teams and a network of trusted partners on the ground.

Our monthly Frontline Mission Partners are an important part of sustaining this growing work. Together, we are not only reaching the lost but also equipping the church to stand strong and advance the Gospel in today's world.

We are so grateful to God for the sacrificial giving and consistent prayers of our partners. Consider becoming a monthly Frontline Mission Partner today—and join us on the frontlines of this great spiritual battle.

Help sustain this historic disciple-making movement.

Pressing on: Visions & Goals for 2018


  • Continue fostering a Biblical understanding of today's issues.
  • Launch Jesus, Jihad and Peace, a new program equipping the church to know the truth about Islam.
  • Broadcast more live programs into the Muslim world through our 24/7 satellite channel THE KINGDOM SAT.


  • Expand field teams in the Middle East and North Africa.
  • Increase distribution of our solar-powered Navigators.
  • Produce more free digital resources for spiritual growth.


  • Distribute at least $1.25 million to help support persecuted Christians.
  • Expand our network of safe houses in the Middle East.
  • Host four spiritual retreats for persecuted women and children in the Middle East.

Through your support, you will be a part of accomplishing these God-given goals. Even now, God is doing the impossible—and we believe the best is yet to come.

Help us meet our 2018 goals.