Global Work
A Lighthouse for Truth
Oct 2, 2017
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You're Helping Us Speak Boldly into the Issues of Our Day

Eighty-seven dead in France.

Eleven injured in an attack on a college campus in Ohio.

Three terror attacks in three months in the United Kingdom.

As the Western world gives in to political correctness, Dr. Youssef continues to courageously proclaim the Gospel without compromise.

These were the headlines here at home—and Dr. Michael Youssef spoke Biblical Truth into the chaos. In his groundbreaking book The Barbarians Are Here, Dr. Youssef addressed the roots of terrorism and presented the only solution to radical Islam: the hope of the Gospel. He called it his most important book to date—a message that took 20 years to write. And with 23,939 copies distributed this year, The Barbarians Are Here quickly became Dr. Youssef 's fastest-selling book.

Responses poured in from readers testifying to the book's timeliness and urgency:

"It was surprising to find out how much is being covered up or ignored by news networks. Dr. Youssef's book was the first source I have found that speaks the Truth on these matters." – KENNETH, USA

"Pastor Youssef is following God's instruction and telling it like it is." – MAE, AUSTRALIA

As the Western world gives in to political correctness, Dr. Youssef continues to courageously proclaim the Gospel without compromise. 

Your support is making a difference in the lives of countless listeners, viewers, and readers around the world. Thank you.

Your support makes a difference.

Timely Opportunities in the West

On May 10, 2017, more than 600 Christian leaders from 136 countries traveled to Washington, D.C., to attend the first-ever World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians. And Dr. Youssef was there—leading the invocation and meeting with key government officials in the White House.

Meanwhile, members of the Leading The Way team were in Australia equipping the church with knowledge about Islam. Through five events in five cities, our team educated attendees about Islamic beliefs and culture—all while empowering them to better love Muslims and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Earlier this year, Leading The Way made history in the U.K. as Dr. Youssef preached to an audience of 1,500 at the London Palladium—the first evangelistic event of its kind at this iconic venue where the Beatles once played. Despite growing secularism in the U.K., people from every section of the theater stood to receive Christ for the first time.

The Foundation of It All

As we proclaim God's Word 24/7 through every form of media, God is doing what only He can do—transforming lives for eternity.

Through your prayers and support, the lost are coming to Christ, believers are living out their faith, and audiences are growing in Truth:

"It is difficult to describe how important Leading The Way is in our lives. My husband is too ill to sit in a church, but the website has made it easy for us to listen to your messages. As we have, we have been confronted with the Word. It is like the Holy Spirit reaches through the screen and grabs my mind and shakes me out of weariness and complacency!" – JEANNE, USA

All across the Western world, from Washington, D.C., to Sydney to London, the Gospel is advancing through your partnership.

Learn more about the impact of Leading The Way this past year.