Global Work
The Call to Discipleship
Nov 22, 2016
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By Salam, Leading The Way's Director of Follow-up

When the Word of God is lived out through personal relationships, true discipleship is able to take place. These relationships are vital for a Christian’s growth, whether they live in the Middle East or in the West. Jesus Himself demonstrated the importance of such in-depth relationships as He daily poured His life into the twelve disciples. Truly, discipleship relationships like His are desperately needed today.

Discipleship relationships like Christ’s are desperately needed today.

Here at Leading The Way, our on-the-ground follow-up teams disciple many people via phone, text, email, Skype, and even social media.
 Our staff spends hours on the phone talking with viewers of our satellite channel in the Middle East, sharing the Gospel with them and answering their questions. This kind of extended follow-up is critical because many of these people do not have a church in their area.

Susie* is an example of such a person. When ISIS invaded her city in Syria, she and her husband chose not to flee. But ISIS tried to intimidate them. Every Wednesday, they were forced to attend a class where ISIS members taught them about Islam and pressured them to convert. Every month, their home was searched.

Despite all this persecution, Susie and her husband have not denied Christ. Presently, Leading The Way’s on-the-ground follow-up team is their only Christian fellowship. We are in regular contact with Susie, praying with her and her husband and encouraging them both to remain in the faith. 

We are so grateful to the Lord that your partnership enables us to be an encouragement to Susie and her husband during this unbelievably difficult time. Please pray for them, for us, and for discipleship relationships to be built with those who desperately need our fellowship. And in the process, may we all be made more like Christ.

*Name changed for her security.

Read more about how Leading The Way is reaching the Muslim world and helping the persecuted, and how you can partner with us on the frontlines of ministry.