Global Work
Shaking the Foundations of Islam
Oct 27, 2016
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Shaking the Foundation of Islam

All across the Muslim world, from Egypt to Indonesia and even here in the West, a movement is growing. It’s the handiwork of a gracious and relentless God.

And while you may not hear about it in the news, it is making headlines in heaven as one lost soul after another comes to the saving knowledge of Christ.

For seven years, Leading The Way has been broadcasting God’s Truth into the Middle East and following up on the ground via THE KINGDOM SAT, the ministry’s 24/7 satellite TV and internet channel dedicated to reaching the Muslim world with the Gospel.

What we are seeing is more than isolated conversions—it’s a sovereign move of God to “bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners” (Isaiah 61:1).

“I now declare Jesus Christ my Savior . . . Thank you. I cannot share my name but I want you to pray for me.” –CHAD

“I have seen Jesus in my dreams, and He talked to me. Would you please help me to know more about Him? How can I worship and honor Him?” –IRAQ

“I have passed from death to life, from the darkness of Islam to the light of Jesus.” –UNKNOWN

God is shaking the very foundations of Islam. In addition to the lives God is transforming daily through Leading The Way’s broadcasts, this year more than 500 people came to Christ at Dr. Youssef’s three-day preaching event in Cairo, Egypt. Through dreams and visions, He is preparing hearts to receive the Gospel. Through Christ-centered programming and events for Middle Eastern audiences, He is reaching into closed countries and knocking on the doors of many hearts. Through personal discipleship, He is growing His church.

“I have passed from death to life, from the darkness of Islam to the light of Jesus.”


The goal of Leading The Way’s outreach to the Muslim world is not to simply make more converts; it is to make disciples.
For Christians leaving Islam behind, they are choosing Jesus Christ over their family, culture, and country—and they desperately need the support and guidance of other Christians through this intense and often dangerous process. Through on-the-ground follow-up teams, Leading The Way is providing this support.

“Would you please send me a free Bible link? . . . I am afraid to go to church. I don’t have friends to teach me the Bible or answer my questions and am afraid to be killed if I become a Christian.” –YEMEN

“I had so many questions about the Qur’an and Christianity. However, no one was able to answer any of my questions. I started watching THE KINGDOM SAT programs, especially Dr. Youssef’s program, and called the follow-up team. I met a brother who followed up with me, explaining the Truth and answering my questions. He led me to Jesus and I gave my life to Him. The team continued teaching me the Bible. I was baptized, I have been attending church, and I’m so thankful for all you have done for me. My life is changed. I’m on the right track and I’ll keep holding on to Jesus even in the hardest of times.” –EGYPT

Biblically trained, and many equipped with an Islamic background, these teams not only answer calls, emails, and texts from viewers, but also engage in personal discipleship on the ground. In places where no formal churches exist, one-on-one meetings often turn into small home groups, which continue to grow and multiply organically—just as the early church did.


This year, Leading The Way heard from one of the first known Christ-followers from the remote Tuareg tribe. A farmer in the Algerian desert, Ahmed had long-standing doubts about his native Islamic religion. When he began watching THE KINGDOM SAT, his friends warned him to avoid indulging poisonous beliefs. But Ahmed was captivated by this Jesus, who filled the emptiness in his heart.

Despite the opposition he faced from friends and family, Ahmed was ready to give his life to Christ. He contacted a member of our follow-up team, who traveled two days to meet him in person and disciple him. “I belong to Jesus,” Ahmed told his family, “and nothing is going to take me from Him or change my mind.” Because of Ahmed’s passion to follow Jesus, he now leads a prayer and Bible study group of eight members who accepted the Lord—the first church we know of in this desert town.


Despite increasing persecution, many Muslims around the world are coming to Christ. In Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim nation, responses are increasing exponentially with the addition of new programs in the local language.

But this move of God is not only sweeping across North Africa and Asia; it’s also happening in the hearts of Muslims here at home. This year, one viewer shared with us:

“I grew up as a Christian but converted to Islam five years ago. Now I am on the quest for Truth! Recently I came across your videos on YouTube. I was captivated until I could no longer watch since my Muslim husband was to arrive home from work. I will continue to listen to your lectures and take notes so I can compare Christianity to Islam. My conversion to Islam was very emotional. Now I want to find the facts. Thank God, I am enlightened and searching today! I want to boldly follow the Truth.” –UNITED STATES

Although we hear from thousands, we have many disciples who are unknown to us. For every person who reaches out to our team, there are probably many more who, out of fear or caution, do not. The work is not easy. The soil of this harvest field can be hard to till. But through your prayers and support, God is doing a mighty work that we will never fully comprehend until the day when every tribe, tongue, and nation gathers before Him in worship.

The most joyful moment

Read more powerful stories from our Annual Report.