Global Work
Reviving the Church of Acts
Oct 24, 2015
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On-the-Ground Follow-up: Reviving the Church of Acts 

This article is an excerpt from our Annual Report. Read the full report online for more testimonies of God's amazing work this year through your partnership with Leading The Way.


"Can you send me more teaching on Jesus?"

After watching Leading The Way's 24/7 satellite television channel, THE KINGDOM SAT, in Indonesia, Eko was hungry to learn more about Christ -- so he contacted our on-the-ground follow-up team in search of the Truth. After our team shared the Gospel with him and answered his questions, Eko came to faith in Jesus and was baptized.

"His heart burns with eagerness to share the Gospel," our follow-up team reported in April 2015.

After giving his life to Christ, Eko went to a neighboring village to share the Good News with others -- and led five people to the Lord. Because of his boldness, Eko has fled angry crowds, received beatings, and been forbidden to evangelize. But that hasn't stopped him. Undeterred, he has even gone to local mosques to share the Gospel.

"Eko's ministry all began with one broadcast that touched his heart and stirred him to call our channel to learn more."

Eko's ministry all began with one broadcast that touched his heart and stirred him to call our channel to learn more. He is one of thousands who receive personal ministry through Leading The Way's follow-up teams. These teams work tirelessly to evangelize and disciple those who call in response to our programs -- answering theological questions, leading Bible studies and in-person discipleship meetings, and connecting them with the local church. They are on the frontlines of ministry, walking with those whose conversion could literally be a life-or-death decision.

This year, our small team engaged in more than 20,000 calls and emails with viewers of our satellite television channel, THE KINGDOM SAT. All of Leading The Way's follow-up staff have at least a bachelor in Biblical studies from an accredited seminary. Most are converts from Islam who have experienced persecution firsthand and continue to serve at great personal risk in closed countries.
Through personal on-the-ground follow-up, Leading The Way is emboldening viewers to follow Christ, mobilizing underground churches, and empowering modern-day Apostle Pauls to expand God's Kingdom. Through their work, the book of Acts is being lived out as one person touched by the Gospel begins sharing it with others.