Global Work
From the Frontlines: The Mission Field on Our Doorstep
Sep 10, 2015
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Middle Easterners are one of the fastest growing immigrant groups in America today. Many are coming to the U.S. looking for a new life. Some have fled civil war or even ISIS and they are asking, "Where is God?" The mission field is coming to us.

Leading The Way has been reaching Muslim audiences in the U.S. since 2006. We not only broadcast Dr. Michael Youssef's Arabic-English radio programs in strategic places like Boston and Richmond we also work with trusted partners to follow up with materials like the Navigator and Dr. Youssef's books in Arabic.

One of our goals is to reach at-risk Muslims those coming to the U.S. who are at risk of becoming radicalized by Muslim sleeper cells within the community. By airing Dr. Youssef's Arabic-English programs in cities with a high Arabic-speaking population, following up with the Muslims who call in response to our programs, and connecting them with Arabic churches and ministries, we are not only reaching an Arabic-speaking population we are building a shield of faith to protect at-risk Muslims from fundamentalist groups.

"When the local church becomes family for a new Christian with a Muslim background, there is support, encouragement, and strength in that."

Here in the Western world, a Muslim has many more opportunities to hear the Gospel. A Saudi Arabian student, for example, has little to no chance of meeting a Christian in his home country but when he is in the U.S., he will be exposed to Christianity whether he likes it or not. So there is a chance for us to be a beam of light in his life for the Gospel.

Recently I heard about a Saudi student who came to Christ at an Arabic church in Indianapolis. Our follow-up team and church partners worked together to provide him a Navigator and follow up with him for six months. He accepted Christ, which deeply upset his wife. She began searching for the Truth by reading some of the materials the church had given her. Two years later, she accepted Christ and said that Dr. Youssef's books were the tool that helped her understand what it means to be a Christian.

Community is always the end goal of Leading The Way's follow-up and discipleship. We cannot be there 24/7 in person to encourage a new believer but the local church can, and that is why we form key partnerships with Arabic churches in the U.S. When the local church becomes family for a new Christian with a Muslim background, there is support, encouragement, and strength in that.