Global Work
From the Frontlines: Eternal Life and the Weight of Death (Why We Invest in Personal Follow-up)
Mar 11, 2015
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From North America to North Africa, Leading The Way employs on-the-ground teams to follow up with our listeners and viewers by phone, email, social media, video calls, and in-person meetings.From the Frontlines shares a behind-the-scenes look at what these teams are doing every day.

By Ash, Leading The Way's North American Arabic Follow-up Coordinator
When I came to Christ, the biggest change I had to make was calling Christ "Lord." He was no longer just a prophet. The idea of God becoming man and revealing Himself even when I think about it now, I get goosebumps. I knew from the first moment I heard the Lord's voice that He was Lord. But still, I did not sign up for getting kicked out of the house. The people who walked with me through that became like my family.

"When a Muslim comes to Christ, his entire life changes."

Islam is more than a religion it's a lifestyle. Being a Muslim affects how you greet people, what you drink, what you wear, how you respond to other genders and above all, how you relate to others. On top of that, if you become a Christian, you've essentially betrayed your family and your country. So when a Muslim comes to Christ, his entire life changes.
That's why, for a Muslim who wants to know more about Christ, it's not always enough to hear the Gospel. He needs somebody to help him from the moment he struggles with the Good News to the moment he accepts Christ and even to the moment he begins to experience persecution. In sharing Jesus with another Muslim, I never imagined someone would come to Christ through me. I am so thankful and overjoyed to be used by God in this way.
Even in the most moderate Muslim country, there are always consequences of choosing to follow Christ. In that journey, there are ups and downs. There is trust and joy, but also disappointment. There is eternal life and the weight of death. It's not just about giving somebody a flyer and saying, "Good luck." Muslims who decide to leave Islam to follow Jesus need somebody to walk with them and that's the heart of follow-up.