Bible and Theology
Startling Video About the Islamic Savior
Feb 19, 2015
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The Christian faith is not the only religion that teaches about the last days. In fact, Judaism and Islam also devote a great deal of attention to the study of end times prophecies. Islamic scholar Hisham Kabbani observes, "Jews are waiting for the Messiah, Christians are waiting for Jesus, and Muslims are waiting for both the Mahdi and Jesus. All religions describe them as men coming to save the world."

One of the most troubling aspects of Islamic eschatology is that Islam's "savior," the Mahdi, bears striking similarities to the biblical Antichrist. Here are a few:

"Could Satan deliberately be preparing followers of Islam to see the Antichrist as their long-awaited savior?"

  • Both will establish a global empire.
  • Both will be worshiped as the head of a one-world religion.
  • Both will target Jews and Christians and wage war against non-believers.
  • Both will reign for seven years.
  • Both will be accompanied by a deceptive figure.

Many Muslims believe the Mahdi will appear when Jesus (Isa) returns. To Muslims, Jesus is not the Savior but a great prophet who will return to champion the Mahdi--much like the False Prophet depicted in Revelation. Could Satan deliberately be preparing followers of Islam to see the Antichrist as their long-awaited savior?

Learn more in Dr. Youssef's book, End Times and the Secret of the Mahdi.