My Devo Podcast
Be Broken for God

The Christian life is never a steady, even walk. There are hills and ruts, mountaintop experiences and dark valleys. I think it’s safe to say we all prefer the mountaintops to the valleys—that’s just human nature—but it is often in the valleys that we grow the most. Today’s devotional considers the mountaintop and the valley experiences of Moses. 

If you would like more insight into today’s devotional topic, listen to Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon Treasure That Lasts: Giving Up Gold for Glory, Part 3: LISTEN NOWWATCH NOW

Dive deeper into the life of Moses with Dr. Michael Youssef’s insightful book Treasure That Lasts: Giving Up Gold for Glory. You’ll discover that every challenge or difficult decision we face is an opportunity to choose God’s glory.

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