"What do I do when it seems like God’s answer is ‘no’?
Those with true humility possess an unchanging trust in God even when He does not answer their prayers in the way they’d hoped.
When God says "no" and you can pray and remain humble, it reveals much about your faith and character. In 2 Samuel 7 and 1 Chronicles 17, we read that after David received the disappointing news that he would not be the one to build God’s temple, he "sat before the Lord" (2 Samuel 7:18). He immediately took the posture of prayer.
David was denied the fulfillment of his life’s vision, but instead of sulking, he prayed. He told the Lord that he would continue faithfully serving Him even if he could not fulfill his vision of building a house of worship. Even though he would not have the joy of building God’s temple, he would stand behind those who would. This was the humble response of a man whose heart was after God.
Perhaps you have prayed for some physical need and received a "no" or "not yet" from God. Perhaps you have lost a business deal, were not accepted into a particular college, did not receive a certain job, or experienced a failed relationship. How has it affected your walk with God? Those with true humility possess an unchanging trust in God even when He does not answer their prayers in the way they’d hoped.