"How does the Biblical phrase ‘in the world but not of the world’ apply to politics today?"
We must remember that our ultimate citizenship is in heaven.
There are many seeming paradoxes in the Bible designed to be held in tension. For example, God is sovereign; man is responsible. These two Truths must be held in tension. Being in the world but not of it is another example.
Being a good steward of our republic by voting and being involved in society—that’s being in the world. While we are in this location, on this earth, we are to be a blessing to it. We are to seek the good of the city as far as we are able (see Jeremiah 29:7); we are to serve (see James 1:27, Romans 12:2). At the same time, we must remember that our ultimate citizenship is in heaven. Although we are here now, this world is not our home; only heaven is (see John 17:14-16, 1 John 2:15-17).
Therefore, we are not to be consumed by the problems of this life, as others are who have no hope. We don’t call our political opponent names or take part in the hatred and outrage incited by so many in our society today. In this way, we are not of this world. We only speak Truth in love despite the detestable discourse in this nation. This is a tension that can only be understood by those who know and love Jesus. We must remain a faithful remnant—set apart from the world.