One of our initial and natural responses to difficulty is to look for an immediate solution. We do not like tension and pressure in relationships. We despise disunity and spend enormous amounts of time trying to repair such problems. But when attempts to bring about resolution fail, we often run, abandoning the problem and situation altogether.
God enjoys rewarding His children with blessings from heaven. But no reward comes without personal sacrifice.
Our society is watching to see how we respond to conflict and trials. Are we going to run when things get tough, or will we stand firm in peace and seek the Lord’s will for our next steps? Where we are placing our trust directly impacts our response to difficulty and suffering. If we are trusting in our own abilities to resolve situations, we can easily lose heart when we fail. But, if we trust in God and commit our every circumstance to Him—resting in His sovereignty and love for us—we will bring glory to His name and show the world exactly where our hope lies.
While God may not cause the difficulties we face, He certainly uses them to mature us. He shapes and fashions us more into His image as we learn to trust Him more. And it is in these times of testing that God begins to refine our hearts in new ways.
Running from the trials and tribulations in our lives in an attempt to escape difficulty carries some harsh consequences: We may escape the testing, but we will also escape God’s blessing.
God enjoys rewarding His children with blessings from heaven. But no reward comes without personal sacrifice. His wondrous blessings await those courageous enough to face each challenge, dying to themselves and trusting in the one who gives true life.
Prayer: Lord, give me the strength to face every challenge You send my way with hope in Your unfailing love. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
"But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, . . ." (Psalm 33:18).
Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon 12 Evidences of Faith, Part 1: LISTEN NOW | WATCH NOW
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