Christian Living
No Substitutes
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Jan 17, 2021
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It is important that we are able to recognize sin in our lives. When we sin, not only do we feel the conviction of having sinned, but we also have been given the mirror of God's Word. The Scriptures make clear what God approves and disapproves, what God commands, what God requires, what God blesses. We need to read the Word, study it, apply it, and ask the Holy Spirit daily to reveal to us the Truth of God so we might live in it.

We need to read the Word, study it, apply it, and ask the Holy Spirit daily to reveal to us the Truth.

Among Christians, a frequent mistake made when embracing the Spirit-filled life is seeking the power of the Spirit as a substitute for faithfully practicing the spiritual disciplines.

These believers sit quietly and wait for God's power to overtake them so they won't have to bother studying God's Word, spending hours with the Lord in prayer, or getting involved in service to others. They see the power of the Spirit as an easy route to spiritual maturity, which is not what God promised.

Too many people say such things as: "I'm just waiting for God to carry me along. I don't have to do a thing; I'll let God do it all. I will just sit and wait for God's power to motivate me." When people do this, they are looking for magic. In the end, they are attempting to use God as an excuse for their own lack of faith and discipline.

Prayer: God, help me not to be lazy in my walk. Help me to practice the spiritual disciplines of spending time in Your Word, in prayer, and in service. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised" (Hebrews 6:12).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef's sermon series Defending a Lion: LISTEN NOW | WATCH NOW