Becoming a champion challenges our faith in more ways than we think. When we experience a great deal of success and numerous victories in our lives, human nature begins to enjoy the praises that are given to us.
Before we know it, the excitement that people have for us changes the way we view life, and we start believing our own press. Instead of dwelling on who got us to this point, we begin dreaming about where we are going to take ourselves in the future.
When our focus in life is to honor God, we naturally put Him first in everything we do.
Humility is the mark of a true champion. Godly love is emblazoned on his or her heart. Most people can sniff out false humility miles before they get to it. They hear the cliché about how we had nothing to do with it, and they know we do not believe a word we are saying.
Sincere humility, however, is not making ourselves doormats or denying, ignoring, and undermining the gifts and talents God has given us. When we put God first, we begin to understand what true humility is. It is recognizing God as the reason for our success, the mastermind behind the plan that has brought success to our lives. Humility also means we are quick to acknowledge—and to believe wholeheartedly—that God is the one who has designed this plan and equipped us with the tools to accomplish it.
When our focus in life is to honor God, we naturally put Him first in everything we do. There is no tension in our hearts over who belongs on the pedestal. We know we would be nothing without God. He is our everything, and for that we must give Him our hearts and our sincere devotion.
Prayer: Lord, help me to walk in sincere humility, honoring You with everything I do. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
"Humility is the fear of the Lord; its wages are riches and honor and life" (Proverbs 22:4).
Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon series A Heart for God: WATCH NOW | LISTEN NOW
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