World View and Current Events
Ambassadors from a Heavenly City
Oct 13, 2016
heaven awaits


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As many of us survey the current political landscape, what we see often leads to fear, anger, apathy, or even despair. Our broken world seems hopelessly lost and headed for destruction. As we look from the left to the right, we find no clear leader capable of righting the ship and getting us back on course. Collectively, these tumultuous times often leave us feeling uncertain about our nation and its future, and therefore our own future and the future of our children.  

But for the Christian, there is good news. The world may be incredibly dark, but God often uses these circumstances to jolt us into remembering that this world is not our home. In more comfortable times and milder political climates, this truth becomes easy to forget. But as the contrast between our earthly home and our heavenly home becomes increasingly stark, our real purpose as Christians comes into sharp focus. 

Ambassadors from a Heavenly City

As the contrast between our earthly home and our heavenly home becomes increasingly stark, our real purpose as Christians comes into sharp focus.

A Christian’s purpose is not to be a citizen of this world, but an ambassador of heaven. The moment we surrender our lives to Jesus Christ, we become citizens of heaven and strangers in this world. Our true nation is now and forever that heavenly country, yet we remain here in this earthly realm as ambassadors for the King of Kings. As ambassadors, our purpose is to be authorized messengers who represent the Kingdom of God to this broken world.  

As ambassadors, our future does not rise and fall based on the political well-being of our earthly nation. We have not been placed here by God to become overwhelmed by what the world is doing or to put our hope in this life. Our true security abides on much firmer foundations—the very promises of God. Unlike earthly governments, God has promised that in His Kingdom there are no tears, death, sorrow, pain, or sin. And He has promised to take us home soon, to be with Him in His Kingdom forever. God has spoken, and like Abraham, we should take Him at His word, looking forward to the city that has foundations “whose architect and builder is God” (Hebrews 11:10). 

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As ambassadors, we are compelled to work for the peace and prosperity of our earthly nation by furthering the agenda of our heavenly country. As author C.S. Lewis said, “If you read history, you will find that the Christians who did the most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next.” This is not our true home, our lasting city, yet we have been placed here by God. We have been placed here as ambassadors for one reason, and this is to make Him known, to call out to men and women to escape the judgment to come, and instead experience the joy of salvation in Christ.

As ambassadors, we might be living in earthly cities, working in earthly cities, and ministering in earthly cities, yet we are always seeking the Kingdom of God. Because Christ’s love compels us, we continue to fight for justice, mercy, and peace. Yet we do not lash out at others or become depressed when things do not pan out the way we would have chosen, because the success or failure of our work can never hinder God’s ultimate plan.

As ambassadors, we can trust our King through the broken circumstances of our lives and our earthly nation. If our hope is in this life only, we will desperately claw for our security, our rights, our way, all to the detriment of the name of Jesus Christ. But the Lord is gracious to use these tumultuous times as an instrument for our spiritual growth, encouraging us to place our hope more fully in our heavenly home and advance God’s Kingdom here on earth. For where, truly, does our hope for the future come from? Our hope comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. And one day He will remake them both.