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The Challenge of a Generation

Spiritual Warfare

February 1, 2021

By Dr. Michael Youssef · 2M Read

While we face increasing opposition for our faith here in the West, God is still at work.

How did our culture become so hostile toward the Christian faith upon which it was founded?

While we face increasing opposition for our faith here in the West, God is still at work.



Fresh off the heels of the Enlightenment and the Reformation, America’s Founding Fathers were moved by the Biblically-inspired principles of objective Truth, human liberty, and faith in God—principles that would uniquely define the new nation.

Fast forward to the 1960s, and our culture underwent a radical shift. An entire generation was profoundly impacted by a new paradigm: valuing personal experience over objective Truth.

Now we live in a culture where the prevailing attitude seems to be: "If you don’t like it, throw it out." As Biblical Truth becomes increasingly at odds with our culture, it’s the next thing to go.

But there is hope. Turning points in history—including times of spiritual opposition—are often accompanied by historic revival. Could we be on the brink of the next great awakening?


While we face increasing opposition for our faith here in the West, God is still at work, transforming lives all over the world. As God’s Word goes out not only in America, but in places like the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, His Gospel is certainly not returning void, but is reaping a harvest as He draws hearts to Himself.

With the support of partners like you, Leading The Way is honored to participate in God’s work in the world, passionately proclaiming uncompromising Truth to build up the church around the world and fuel revival in the West so that all nations might be blessed with the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ.

These testimonies are made possible because of your prayers and partnership:

"Leading The Way has impacted me through the clear, encouraging messages of Dr. Michael Youssef." – VASANTH, INDIA

"I am a sinner. I need Jesus. I cannot do it my way anymore." – LINDA, USA

Dr. Youssef reminds us, "That’s the power of God’s Truth—the power to transform lives, change societies, and revive dying nations."

May the harvest continue!

You can become an agent of change in this present crisis. Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef’s NEW book Hope for This Present Crisis!
