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Ask Dr. Youssef: “I am worried about the spiritual attack the next generation is facing. What can I do?”

Spiritual Warfare

September 28, 2020

By Dr. Michael Youssef · 2M Read

Three young women laugh among flowers
We should always remember that our God is greater than the schemes of the devil.


"I am worried about the spiritual attack the next generation is facing. What can I do?"

"We should always remember that our God is greater than the schemes of the devil."



When I witness Satan’s blatant schemes to destroy the family, erode respect for marriage, and leave children vulnerable—I, too, can easily become discouraged. Thank God, He doesn’t let my discouragement last long. He sends the Holy Spirit to remind me of all the ways He has had a hand on my life. When I should have been aborted, God had the last word. When I grew up in a Muslim land, surrounded by people and institutions hostile to the Christian faith, God had the last word. When the odds were against me, God was for me.

We should always remember that our God is greater than the schemes of the devil. So we can be confident that with Christ as their Captain, our children will have strength for the spiritual battles ahead. But our children and young adults also need us in their corner praying, modeling how to follow Jesus, and investing in their lives. Let us do all we can to encourage them today so that they can stand up and be counted when the time of testing comes.


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