My name is Ghali*. I was born in Morocco to a devout Muslim family. As a child, I wanted to leave Islam because of what I saw in my parents as they prayed in the mosque, read the Quran, and followed Islamic rituals. It felt so empty, and I felt like I was a puppet or a robot. I wanted to find a way to practice a religious life, but I didn’t begin to find it until I met a shopkeeper, who showed me the path to true faith.
While working as an electrician, I used to buy food from one particular shopkeeper. His Christian faith intrigued me. From him I discovered that Christianity is not violent like Islam. In Islam I saw terrorism and terrorists—religious and extremist groups in both our society and within families. In contrast, this shopkeeper showed me examples of life in Christian countries. He gave me a Bible, and we began meeting for Bible study once a week with other believers in our area.
"Their calls checking on me helped me forget all that I have been through."
After studying the Bible, I began to communicate with members of the Leading The Way field team, who work for THE KINGDOM SAT channel. These fellow believers also live in the Middle East, and they encouraged me to follow the Gospel of Christ. Finally, I made the decision to become a Christian.
Today, I try to live my life in the same way Jesus lived His life. He lived a life of conflict and opposition, and I find myself similarly at war with my family, neighbors, and friends. Recently, none of my family or friends visited me while I was in the hospital. When I called and asked them to come, they told me, "You follow the dome and not the mosque. Call the dome’s people to visit you. We only visit the mosque’s people." (‘The dome’ is their name for the church.)
Their words caused me great heartache. I felt that everyone had abandoned me. But what comforted my heart was my Christian faith and my friends, brothers, and sisters in Christ. They have been a great support to me. Their calls checking on me helped me forget all that I have been through with my family. Members of THE KINGDOM SAT’s field team also helped me while I was in the hospital. They talked to me over the phone to keep me company. They even came to the hospital and helped me get the medicine I needed.
Despite the challenges I’m facing, I know I am on the right path. Despite my family’s rejection of me, there is peace in my heart. I don’t feel any hatred toward them. I feel I am complete because I am in Christ and with Christ. He is answering my prayers, comforting me, and removing the obstacles in my way.
I continue to watch THE KINGDOM SAT to learn more about eternal life and how Christianity is different from Islam. I encourage every new believer to follow this channel for its programs, its companionship, and its advice.
Finally, I want to thank Dr. Michael Youssef and everyone who supports THE KINGDOM SAT channel. I consider this channel to be a great achievement in the life of Christianity and for the Christian faith. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for helping reach people like me with the Gospel.
*name changed for his protection.
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