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Part 4

Apr 18, 2020

Are You Building Your Life on the Right Foundation? (Part 4)

  • Scripture:

Spiritual Growth

Healthy Living in a Sick World


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Are You Building Your Life on the Right Foundation? (Part 4)

Part 4

Dr. Michael Youssef explores the critical importance of building one’s life on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ and the consequences of our choices in building upon that foundation. Key Themes Examined: The necessity of Jesus Christ as the only foundation for salvation The difference between salvation and rewards in the Christian life Two types of building materials: gold/silver/precious stones vs. wood/hay/straw The coming judgment of believers’ works by fire The importance of right motives in serving God Key Points Explained: Dr. Youssef emphasizes that while salvation is a gift of grace through faith in Jesus alone, how we build our lives as believers matters greatly. He explains that every Christian is constantly building their spiritual life, using either valuable materials (gold, silver, precious stones) or perishable ones (wood, hay, straw). These materials represent our faithfulness, motives, and works for God’s Kingdom. The sermon also delves into the concept of future judgment for believers. Dr. Youssef clarifies that while Christians are saved from eternal condemnation, their works will be tested by fire. Those who build with quality materials will receive rewards, while others may enter heaven "as through fire," with their life’s work burned up but their salvation intact. Build a Life That Honors God Ready to dive deeper into living a faithful Christian life? Don’t miss the next sermon in this series, where Dr. Youssef will continue to explore how we can build lives that honor God and stand the test of His judgment. Tune in to learn more about aligning your daily choices with eternal values! Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3 Download

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A man with braids closes his hands to pray
Dr. Youssef sits in a chair, gesturing with both hands