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Part 6

Feb 24, 2023

Can You Really Be Sure of Your Salvation? Discover the 6 Eternal Guarantees! (Part 6)

  • Scripture:

Spiritual Growth

From Valley to Victory


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Can You Really Be Sure of Your Salvation? Discover the 6 Eternal Guarantees! (Part 6)

Part 6

Uncover the unshakeable guarantees of Christian salvation found in Romans 5:1-11. The message explores how these assurances can transform our understanding and experience of eternal security, offering profound comfort and confidence to believers. Key Themes Examined: The Assurance of Eternal Salvation: Gain understanding into the sixfold guarantees of our salvation. Peace with God: Discover the present and unchanging nature of our peace through Jesus Christ. God’s Favor: Unpack the unmerited grace that places us in a privileged position before God. Hope in God: Rejoice in the certainty found in our assured future with God. Purpose in Suffering: Learn how suffering for Christ produces perseverance and character. Overwhelming Love and Joy: Uncover how you can experience God’s deep love and joy that transcends all circumstances. Key Points Expanded: Peace with God: The peace we have through justification by faith is a steadfast reality, not influenced by our fluctuating feelings or circumstances. It’s a present-tense peace that always assures us of our standing with God. Purpose in Suffering: Dr. Youssef distinguishes between everyday hardships and suffering for Christ’s sake. This type of suffering, which comes from standing firm in faith, leads to perseverance and builds character, demonstrating God’s transformative work in our lives. God’s Overwhelming Love: Paul emphasizes that God’s love is not contingent on our actions or feelings but is a constant and profound reality. This love, displayed through Christ’s sacrifice, guarantees our continued salvation and eternal security. Continue Your Journey  Don’t miss the next video in this enlightening series, where we’ll explore how to live out these guarantees in our daily lives and deepen our relationship with God. Watch now to continue your journey in understanding and living out the eternal assurances of Christian faith! Scripture: Romans 5:1-11 Download

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A man with braids closes his hands to pray
Dr. Youssef sits in a chair, gesturing with both hands