Read Ephesians 6:16-17.
In times of confusion, uncertainty, and vulnerability, the shield is the most comforting armor you can have. It shouldn’t be a surprise, therefore, that the shield of faith is a key piece of the armor of God. Paul writes, “[T]ake up the shield of faith” (Ephesians 6:16). The shield that Paul is envisioning is not a small, lightweight shield, but the whole-body shield (up to 5 feet in diameter) of the Roman soldiers on the front line.
Now, the faith of the shield of faith is not the faith you exercised when first coming to Christ. That’s actually the belt of Truth—your salvation through Jesus Christ by grace and through faith. Rather, the faith of the shield of faith is the growing absolute trust and confidence in Christ that you exercise every day whether you are on the mountaintops or in the valleys. We daily take up the shield by exercising trust in Jesus—in His provision, His protection, His strength. Hidden behind Him, we can extinguish every fiery dart of the enemy—every temptation to covetousness, pride, anger, envy, hatred, doubt, fear, despair, and distrust of God.
Then there is no soldier who would think of stepping onto the battlefield without his helmet, so Paul calls us to also take up the helmet of salvation (see v. 17). Satan attacks by getting us to question our salvation so that we become insecure, doubt, and fall into sin. But if we guard our minds with God’s gracious gift of salvation through Christ—that it’s God’s work in us and not dependent upon our own righteousness (for we have none!)—the devil’s blows will never penetrate.
Lastly, Paul exhorts us to wield “the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God” (v. 17). The sword was the primary weapon of the Roman soldier, worn attached to the belt. Paul calls it “of the Spirit” because it’s a spiritual weapon of divine origin. It’s the infallible, authoritative, complete Word of God. It’s our only charter for every sea, our only medicine for every malady, our only balm for every wound. The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, offers limitless resources and blessings to the believer. It is both defensive and offensive. It deflects the blows of the devil. It rescues people from the realm of sin and death to righteousness and life. It turns despair into hope, stagnation into growth, defeat into victory, and sadness into joy.
God has given us powerful armor to stand firm and even make advances for His Kingdom.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for these powerful protections. May I take them up and use them for Your Kingdom and to bear witness to the unmatched love and power of my God. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef's sermon series The Full Armor of God
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