As a godly parent, you will want to cultivate consistency in your family’s walk of faith. Job valued spending time with his family and communicating with them, not only speaking to them but listening closely as they voiced their concerns, needs, and opinions.
Being consistent in our faith is not the same thing as perfection, nor does it mean we are always right. Rather, consistency means we make our families a priority when it comes to our time and our schedules.
Consistency means walking the walk and not just talking the talk of your faith.
Consistency also means walking the walk and not just talking the talk of your faith. It means going with your children to church every Sunday, including attendance at Sunday school. It means praying with your family daily, memorizing Scripture together, and talking about the things of the Lord and the principles of the Bible in a natural, ongoing way.
Use every moment of your relationship with your children to establish the reality of both God’s love and your love in their lives. Keep His love and the Bible’s teachings at the heart of your discussions with your children about what they see on television, learn in school, or hear from other children. Make God your number-one resource to consult any time they face problems, are sick, or have specific needs.
It is in this daily walking-and-talking, dawn-to-dusk way that we train our children to have the attitude of Christ and to express His love toward others. It is a daily challenge to teach our children compassion and to lead them into a consistent pattern of godly living.
Prayer: Lord, I know when the focus of my life is set on You, then the focus of my family will be the same. Help me to seek Your face by Your Spirit. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
"Take hold of my words with all your heart; keep my commands, and you will live" (Proverbs 4:4).
Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon Parenting 911, Part 2: LISTEN NOW | WATCH NOW
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